Willpower and Diet…how bad do you really want it?

I found this on a diet forum somewhere and just thought it was something interesting to share.

It’s about will power and diet.

This is an excerpt from a chapter about willpower from a book by Augusten Burroughs called “This Is How.”  If you aren’t familiar with his writing, he has written a few autobiographical books, including “Running with Scissors” about his disturbing childhood and “Dry” about battling with alcoholism. This particular book is his take on how to deal with life. I thought it was insightful, especially for those of us who have a hard time with motivation. I’m curious to hear your responses.

“If willpower is required to achieve this goal, that’s how you know you don’t want it enough on a deep, organic level.
Mechanical failure will eventually occur.
Willpower is like holding your breath: you can only do it for so long.
Which is exactly why will powering your way through to this won’t work.  Can you name a single example in your life of when you ever needed willpower to get something you really, really needed?
If you are trapped in a car underwater, you will not need willpower to roll down the window.  You will feel only one thing: the need for air.  You will start trying to roll down that window and either you will roll it down or you will die trying.
Where there is willpower there is a Band-aid that’s eventually going to fall off.
You only need willpower to get what you don’t want or only want to want.  By want to want, I mean something you wish you wanted.  But don’t, really.
If you find that you require willpower to lose weight, you aren’t ready to lose the weight.  There you have the truth, as much as you may despise hearing it.
You don’t want it deeply and completely enough.
Something within you is reserved in the matter.
This is what you need to solve.  You need to know where that voice of dissent is coming from.”

9 Tips for Losing Weight Successfully

Brussels Sprouts
1. Volumetrics- eat lots of veggies and a few fruits to bulk up your meals and snacks. Fill your plate up mostly with vegetables, a bit of starchy carbs and some nice lean protein like fish, tofu or chicken.
2. Make some very simple veggie soups. Make them in bulk so that you can store them in containers in the fridge.  Do you like tomato soup? I make a very simple one, no cream or anything. Eat a VERY big bowl of simple veggie soup before lunch and dinner, and you will keep you feeling full.
3. Drink lots of tea and water. I know you know this one. I love carbonated water. I like the kinds that have no fake sugars but have just a tiny bit of flavor, like the VINTAGE brand.
4. Weigh yourself every single morning. This might help prevent any late night binges, or cheating episodes. Knowing that you have to see the number on the scale first thing might help keep you in line.
5. Record everything you eat and maybe even your emotions. Even if you have a cheat day/ write it down. That way, maybe you can kind of keep track of what’s happening in your life. I’m sure we’re all emotional eaters- so maybe something set you off?  I eat for any and all reasons- boredom, happiness, sadness, feeling overwhelmed. So, if we write down what we ate, and how we were feeling throughout the day, maybe we can catch some of these binge episodes before they happen.
6. When you have a cheat day/meal/binge- (because it will happen) forgive yourself, and simply move on. This will happen, it’s just part of life. But, stop it- before it becomes a pattern. If you beat yourself up about it, you’ll just keep binging. So, tell yourself you love yourself, shit happens, and tomorrow, or later in the day you’ll take better care of yourself.
7. Don’t think of it as a diet. Think of it as changing the way you eat in order to take care of the most important person in your life- you! Your husband, wife, kids, friends, siblings, parents need you. The happier you are and the better you feel, the better parent, spouse, friend, child you will be to those who love and need you.
8. Take one day at a time. Stop thinking about the amount of pounds you want to lose and what time period you want to lose that in. Trust me on this one, it will only lead to failure. It feels too overwhelming, and you’ll give up. Just concentrate on today. And when you have a ‘good’ day, and you’ve eaten well, and taken care of yourself, congratulate yourself for it! Look in the mirror, and say to yourself “I love you, and I love you for exactly who you are today-good job, keep up the good work!” I know that sounds corny, but it’s far better than all of the self-hate talk you probably subject yourself to now.
9. Excersize, but don’t over do it while trying to lose weight. Bodies are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. If you try to workout too much at first, you will get too hungry and over-eat. If you’re not a professional athlete, you’ll never be able to work out hard enough to burn off all the extra calories. Concentrate on 30 to 45 minutes 4 to 6 days a week. What ever you can do is great. Make sure it’s a combination of things- cardio and weight-training. 

14 Things To Do Before You Binge

I found this great list on the blog of Iris Higgins; The Daily Dietribe.

14 Things To Do Before You Binge

“I have a confession to make. And it’s not an easy one to admit.

I binged a couple of weeks ago. April 4th to be exact. I know because I just checked my food journal. Yep, that was me, standing at the counter shoveling food into my mouth. I didn’t even take the time to sit down while I ate – perhaps I was thinking that as long as I wasn’t sitting at the table, then it didn’t really count. But it definitely counted. Remember how I told you that the company I work for makes pre-packaged food? Since it’s a weight-loss plan, the meals are rather small but that’s not really an excuse. Somehow I found myself eating six breakfasts at once. Dipped in butter and sugar. And a fat free yogurt. And all in the span of about ten minutes. It was a Saturday night and I had known since I got home that this was going to happen. I kept ignoring it, trying to nudge that niggling binge monster away. I turned a cold shoulder to it and stared at the TV, hoping to distract myself.

But the binge monster wouldn’t go away until I gave in. Afterward, I wallowed in the age old guilt, and wondered why I had let that happen. It had been so long since I’d done something like that. The terror crept in that it would keep happening and I would find myself back in the binge-cycle and gaining weight at a rapid pace. But I did a few things this time that I wouldn’t have done years ago when I was binging. First, I admitted it to my boyfriend when he got home and talked my fears out with him. And second, I used the lapse as an opportunity to learn how to do something different next time.

I know that when I’m in that frame of mind, I feel overwhelmed by the need to eat, and have trouble thinking of anything else. Common sense flies out the window, and I pace until I finally give in. But what if I had a list of other options? Not just a vague idea that I should do something else, but a concrete list in front of me telling meexactly what to do! So I made myself a list, and I posted it on my fridge. I promised myself that the next time I wanted to eat when I knew it wasn’t hunger prompting me, I would read that list before opening the fridge or cupboard door. Here it is:

  1. STOP! Try everything on this list first.
  2. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Take ten more.
  3. Brush your teeth. You can always eat more after. Just do it!
  4. Go to the gym or do a workout video.
  5. Go for a walk outside.
  6. Call a friend to talk or meet up.
  7. Write in your journal, paint, or draw.
  8. Clean your house.
  9. Put on some soothing music and lie down, or put on some fun music and dance.
  11. Reframe your self-talk. Change “I should” to “I deserve. For example, I deserve to feel good about myself.
  12. Give yourself a spa day. Do it yourself or get pampered at a salon. It’s hard to eat when you have a goopy mask on your face.
  13. Call someone and admit that you want to binge before you give in. You can still binge after you’ve told them, but fess up first!
  14. Finally, if all else fails…make better choices. Fat free yogurt, sugar-free jello, popsicles, fruit, vegetables…a bag of grapes will make you feel better than six breakfasts dipped in butter and sugar.

This list is a little more general than the one on my fridge. Mine includes a few ideas more specific to me, plus the names of certain friends that I should call to talk to. There’s nothing vague to allow me to make excuses. I urge you to make your own list and put it on your fridge. Go ahead. What do you have to lose? A pound?”


Carrot, Apple Smoothie


Place all of the ingredients in your Nutribullet or Vitamix.

  • 2 large carrots, washed and chopped
  • 1 large sweet apple, washed, cored and chopped
  • the juice of one lemon
  • 1/4 of a sweet potato, washed and chopped

Blend until smooth.

Now, I’ve already talked about the health benefits of carrots so how about we discuss what’s up with sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are very high in Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies.  Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including the prevention of heart attacks.


Happy New Year! And I’ve missed you.


So, here’s the thing. I’ve been gone for way too long. I get it. I’ve been ignoring you. I’m sorry. But, more importantly and even worse, I’ve been ignoring me. I knew the New Year was coming. So, I decided to avoid a few things. I went a few weeks without a workout. I went on a cruise, we both know what that means. Endless food. It was Thanksgiving and a trip to California, lots of ice cream and sweets. There was my birthday, cake There was my boyfriend’s birthday, yet more cake. There was Chanukah and Christmas with their sprinkly cookies and sticky frosting and happy hours along the way. Eggnog cheer and festive and frosty cocktails along the way. But along the way I didn’t forget. The time was coming. This binge-fest can’t last much longer. It just can’t. I have to wake up, I have to take responsibility. It’s cliche, I know but I don’t care. Let’s dust off our sugar coated pants and try again.

I’ve just watched three incredible documentaries. You’ve probably seen them, but if you have not, now is the time. I should have watched these long ago. I regret not having seen them they have officially changed my entire life. They will change yours too.

I’m not going to tell you anything about them. I just want you to see them for yourselves. Just sit back, watch and learn and enjoy.

1. Hungry For Change

2. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

3. Forks Over Knives

Let’s make 2014 the year we take care of ourselves. Look at yourself in the mirror every single day, and say “I love me right now, just the way that I am”. You’ll start taking better care of yourself. Once you start taking better care of yourself, you’ll start loving yourself even more. You’ll start feeling better, you’ll start looking better. Then you’ll be able to take better care of your loved ones. Let’s do this together and we’ll make a big giant difference in this world.




Okay, time for my Add One, Subtract One….

OK, here we go (short post). I’ve done well the past two weeks. But not perfect. I feel like if I add more goals onto this week I will probably get overwhelmed and fail big time. So, let’s keep it simple and stick to my two ADD ONEs (good habits), and my two SUBTRACT ONEs (bad habits).

Add Ones:

1. Daily Vitamins 2. More weekly weight training sessions

Subtract Ones:

1. Rid myself of diet soda 2. No starchy carbs after lunch time.

How are you guys coming along? Add any good habits? Get rid of any bad habits? Wanna join us?



Monday’s Add One Subtract One…

We told you last week about Add One, Subtract One. Add one good habit to your week/life, and subtract one bad habit.

Well, last week I gave up diet soda. I passed that test with flying colors. I was very surprised that I didn’t even miss it! My Add One good habit was to take my vitamins daily. That one went pretty well. I missed one or two days I think. But, I’m happy with my efforts on both.

So, this week I have to keep up with those habits, and as well, add One More Subtract One, and One More Add One. I’m going to knock it up a notch this week with some tougher goals.

This week my Add One good habit is to do more weight training during the week. If I’m to be honest, I’ve only been weight lifting about once a week. I don’t think that’s enough. I know for sure that muscle burns more calories. I saw it work in my own body. My goal is to have 2 to 3 days of weight training in per week.

My Subtract One will be to avoid starchy carbohydrates after lunch time. So, after 1 pm, I’m to avoid potatoes, bread, rice, sugar (sweets) and pastas.

Okay, that’s it, wish me luck!

What will your Add One, Subtract One be this week?




Let’s put it in perspective

So, I told you guys that I was meeting my girlfriends for dinner last night. I haven’t seen these particular girlfriends in far too many months. So, I really wanted to see them, and it was a fabulous time. I’m a little disappointed in myself. Because, YES I went ahead and helped myself to a glass of wine, and yes that glass of wine led to a second, and yes, that also led me to more than one bad food choice. I had a wonderful, wonderful time though. I caught up with these wonderful ladies and we did celebrate each other and our friendships. So, I’ll have to forgive myself, and move forward.

But one thing came up that struck me, and it hit me hard. My one girlfriend, Amanda,  who was at the dinner has another girlfriend who I’ve met several times. This woman, let’s say her name is Tina. Tina is the life of the party. A single mother, a great mother still best friends with her ex-husband, the father of their one son. This woman is so much fun. She’s bright, talented and just down right nuts. You can’t spend the day or an evening with her with out it being an unforgettable time. That’s just how she is. Well, I found out last night that she has cancer, it was only discovered two months ago, and she likely only has months to live. It’s bad, and it’s just shocking, and awful. And I’m not sure I can shake this feeling for a while. I’m heartsick.  But Amanda said something else that struck a chord inside of me. “Tina’s lost a ton of weight”. Now I put myself into her shoes as much as I possibly could. And I thought how silly my problems are. Here I am dying to be thinner, dying to lose 15/20 pounds. And, here Tina is, literally dying and loosing pounds. My guess is she’d gladly put herself in my place. She’d take my 15 to 20 pounds in a heartbeat if it meant spending how ever many years with her son, with her friends, with her family.

I don’t mean to minimize my weight loss struggles. It’s not healthy to carry extra weight, it’s not healthy to have low energy and low self-esteem, it’s not healthy to feel uncomfortable in your own skin. But, let’s put it in perspective.



Bread and Wine


Worked out with Carlos today. It was a mean workout, as usual. We talked about diet today. He usually doesn’t torture me with discussions about diet or my weight. It makes me feel bad, he knows it and although he’s wanted to discuss it with me for a long time now. I’ve resisted. But I’m finally expressing to him that I’m ready.

So, his best tip today was that if you’re going to consume those carbs like breads, rice, potatoes, and cereals then do it by lunch time. Breakfast or lunch in small amounts is OK. But, please don’t eat carbs with dinner. Try to keep dinner to proteins and vegetables.

I have to say, I have two difficult days coming up. Tonight is a dinner with girlfriends. I’ve decided to stay away from the wine tonight. I love my wine, but I simply can’t stick to one glass. One glass turns into two, and maybe three. That also turns into loose lips, and I don’t mean the talking or kissing kind, I mean the eating kind! The more I drink, the more free I feel to eat. Somehow, my mind just goes into celebration mode when I start with the wine, and celebration mode means food!


And, tomorrow, wish me luck! My best friend and I planned a wine and food lunch thing. A wine tasting at a lovely vineyard. Well, that one I’ll just have to chalk up to an exception. I will go, I will enjoy, but not OVER enjoy, if you know what I mean. I know sometimes you have to enjoy and indulge. But those sometimes seem to occur way too often in my life. It’s all about moderation.

On another note, I’ve done really well with my vitamins and giving up my diet soda this week. Of course, it’s only Tuesday but still.




Little Steps Towards a Lifetime of Health

Well as promised Jess and I will be sharing our fitness plans and keeping you posted while we implement them. We came up with Add one, Subtract one. We are going to subtract one bad habit and at the same time add one healthy habit to our lifestyles for every week to come to bring us closer and closer to our goal. We made a comprehensive list of things we were able to identify as our challenges.  Some we shared in common and some were unique to either one or the other. I am very proud of how honest we were about our short comings because that truly is the first step isn’t it? I mean some of them would be a little embarrassing except that’s the point of writing this blog, to expose the unhealthy habits we exercise in secret. Those lonely nights perched in front of the television with the entire jumbo bag of potato chips, simultaneously thinking about the tub of frozen yogurt I’m going to devour next.  When you really think about it, taking in account the statistics, that really is a perfect recipe for a short life.  Lots of fat, loads of sugar and inactivity.
I am 36 yrs old with two children I’m raising singly if something happened to me, if my health failed, where would that leave them. Furthermore, when they are all grown up and begin there own families I will hope to be in good physical and mental condition to be  a support system to them.  I want to be that active, vibrant grandma that they boast about because I lift weights heavier than them and who still run circles around them. I don’t want to be tired, I don’t want to be limp limbed and I don’t want to be drug dependent in order to manage any diseases.
With this goal in mind, this week I’m taking the first step. I am subtracting one bad habit and adding one good. One of the very worst of my habits is eating late. Therefore, this week I have decided to have my last meal before 8pm. I will not consume anything other than water, black coffee or unsweetened tea after 8pm.  Why did I choose this time?  If it was any earlier, I would fail on the first day.  That’s me just being real with myself.  In times past I have tried to set the same goal at 5pm and 6pm and failed epically, not to mention almost died of hunger.
The one little thing on my add list that I am really excited about is taking Zumba classes.  Jess posted an entry earlier she titled “Finding that one little thing” and she talked about finding your one healthful thing you enjoy doing and want to do, again and again.  I adore Zumba. I enjoy the music, I love to dance and I feel like I have burned a million calories and made my body more limber.  I belong to the Ymca and there are 11 branches in my district to which I have access.  They all offer Zumba classes in different days and at different times that are free to attend with my membership. However no one branch offers Zumba everyday or at a time that is convenient for me everyday. So my job will be to find classes that fit into my schedule at least 3-4 times per week, taking advantage of my access to multiple sites.   It might be nice to mix it up, every instructor has a different style and it will give me an opportunity to meet more people and find out what others are doing to stay fit.
So there it is! The first week of our brave new plan.  We are on a roll, I tell you!
Hotpinkcopper copy
Jess Here! I’m going to add my Add One, Subtract One on to the tail end of Akima’s post, if you don’t mind :-).
Mine are going to be kind of simple this week.
Here’s the thing, I have a diet pepsi addiction. I just find it hard to eat a meal without my diet soda. I’m pretty convinced though it’s like the worst part of my diet. It’s super hard for me to remove this addictive substance from my daily life. But, this week is finally the week to do so. This week, and hopefully forever, this ridiculous drink filled with its toxic chemicals is out of my diet and out of my system. If I need a bubbly drink I will take go for some club soda with a dash of cranberry juice. So, that’s my Subtract One.
For my Add One, I’ve got to start taking my vitamins on a regular basis. That’s my goal for this week. It’s 7 days, 7 packs of vitamins! No excuses. Here I go!!! Wish me luck.